Sunday, September 26, 2010

First post: Topic one: Apartheid - Topic Two: Iran

I have been wanting to write a blog post and kick this off for sometime unfortunately I have become addicted to a love of fitting entire ideas inside of 140 character clips that span into quite a difficult read for those who try to backward read my Twitter timeline. It is kind of fun to just write inside a consciousness stream without editing but anyway here goes.

Issues of the day:

On the Apartheid Government of Israel:

The Palestinians are not bargaining for anything.  Bargaining implies that they are coming to exchange something as in money for a good or service.  What Palestinians should be bringing to the table is a demand.  This is the demand, that the Government of Israel end its Apartheid nature and allow all Palestinians the right to return (meaning Palestinians everywhere) to the land of their fathers.  There will be no agreement that Israel is a land which is uniquely Jewish - as it is not.  The land has a uniquely Jewish and Palestinian Arabic character.  This character of the land must be preserved, and a Bi-National State of the kind which has been eloquently argued by Ali Abunimah in his book One Country: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse must happen.  This is a must read by the way for anyone interested in how such a Bi-National State could exist.

The argument is that the current Government of Israel will never support such a thing. Okay so what.  What is important is that the body politic of Palestine support it.  The way to support it is by categorically refusing negotiations for slivers of land currently occupied by Israeli Apartment Squatters fed in for the evil purpose of fundamentally forever changing population and thereby attempting to lay a claim.  Okay, and there they shall stay for they have killed forever the two state solution.  It is time for all Palestinians to be able to return and live anywhere they so choose from Tel-Aviv to Jerusalem.  The time is now for Palestinians worldwide to accept as the only solution the end of Apartheid and the ability to live anywhere in the land of their Fathers.  This means West Bank, Gaza and all of greater Israel.

The time is now for political forces inside the Palestinian camp to find like minded Israeli's and begin drafting a new constitution that they can show to the world will protect the rights and status of two complete nations to live inside of one common border (The Bi-National State) which also will protect the rights of the minority.  The Palestinian forces must be the ones to move forward on this.  They must find support inside of Israel for this and show that they can work together to forge a new beginning.  The ending of apartheid in South Africa was not a compromise.  The ending of apartheid was the end of a system.  The destruction of it.  It was not however the destruction of a people.  It was the beginning of a new nation that was not wearing the taint of being an evil blight upon the world.  Yes, this is what Israel has become, and that is why apartheid must end.

There is no reason to wait or force the Israeli Government of Netanyahu to come on board for this. Obviously they will not, but neither do the Palestinians and Israelis who support a Bi-National State have a structure to show to the world, so the time to get started is right now.  The force of being morally right will drive public opinion until finally the overwhelming weight of the right of the idea will force the Israeli Government to become part of the process.  For now the Palestinians need to convince their own that this is the only way forward, and rally around the idea.  The Palestinian Government should view themselves as being One-half of the rightful Government that sits in Jerusalem, not separate, but a co-equal partner in a new nation of Jews and Palestinians.

How does it happen?  Step one reject all other proposals such as two state which has only been used over the years as a false hope which continued the status quo of no solution so Israel could strengthen their position.  Step Two, rally around the idea of One Bi-national State.  Step Three, bring it into existence by the moral power of the idea and by beginning to forge its institutions.  In this way the world is shown the light.

What should be the role of the United States?  To abandon the two state solution and forge ahead on the idea of a Bi-National solution.  To use the threat of withdrawal of aid. To vocally support the end of the apartheid system that now exists.  To tie this Bi-National state to the idea of a nuclear free middle east.  To stop demanding that certain political parties representing the overwhelming majority of Palestinians not be allowed to be a player.

On Iran:

Assuming for a moment that Iran does not want a bomb and would like the world to know they are a peaceful nation one would expect them to come to the United Nations aware that they are speaking with purpose and to make their case before the world.  To eloquently argue of their peaceful intentions.  Inside this argument I would expect the Government of Iran to point to the errors of U.S. policy around the world, or to even point to the errors or folly of certain elements of U.S. history.  I even expect them to disagree strongly with the position of President Barack Obama and to state with conviction the reasons why they hold such a position.  That is what I would expect from a reasonable Government.

Instead what I saw at the United Nations was the purposeful deliverance of  9/11 conspiracy theory stating that the greatest terror attack in  U.S. history was an inside job.  What does this say?  It says that it was not a terrorist attack at all. It says that the entire 9/11 report was a fabrication, that the terror networks discovered are all false. That there were no real perpetrators.  It says that George Bush and the rest all new the planes were coming because they are the ones that ordered them.  This is the position that the Government of Iran brought to the United Nations.  This is the position the Government of Iran brings during a time that United States Military power is being brought into question as being used against it by forces inside of the United States rather than allowing them to have a Nuclear weapon.

I say "Government of Iran" because I do not buy for one instant the idea of Ahmadinejad being a loose cannon writing his own speeches and showing up at the UN as the Mullahs in Iran tune in to find what he is going to say.  This speech was given by the collective Government of Iran with intent.  What must be asked is what is the intention of such comments?  Is it to make the average American question the ability of Iran to make sound decisions?  I had come to the wrong belief that Iran had blundered in its statements regarding wiping Israel off the map - that they had been misquoted.  I had wrongly believed that statements about the holocaust were simply ones of questioning of degree as to provoke.

 I am now of the understanding that the Government of Iran is exactly what it appears to be - Theocratic Fascists - who are hiding their nuclear ambitions, and are not to be trusted, and would indeed be dangerous if they had a nuclear weapon.  The threat would not be to Israel but to surrounding Arab states who would be weak in the face of any Military adventurism on the part of Iran.  The threat of war is now more real to me, and I fear Iran more now then I did before their U.N. speech.  I am not suffering from listening to Barack Obama, or other lies from the U.S. Government.  Neither am I a Neo-Con.  I have been convinced by a speech pulled from the pocket of the Iranian President, that shows a lack of ability to reason using truth, that was delivered to him by his handlers to read.

I have been told by many on the left that I should remove "Permanent Revolution" from my name and that Trotsky is rolling in his grave because of my position.  I care not for the position that anyone thinks that the dead will take.  I am not one who while aligning on the side of the working class, is going to adopt the idea that I support a dictatorial Government which is crushing dissent and workers rights and freedoms of all sorts, because they are claiming to be good guys and anti-imperialist which is a farce of an idea in itself.  For you who would align with such a Government while claiming to be Marxist socialist or other supposed LEFT lean, I say it is you who are confused. My opinion is also echoed here on . It is the responsibility of all regardless of the political spectrum to argue against such insane words spoken.  If you cannot do this then shame on you. The people of Iran must marvel at your support of their workers.


  1. Greetings from the APL.

    For one,‭ ‬you need an editor.‭ ‬If this first post is an indicator of where your little blog is going to go,‭ ‬then it will be unbearable to read both theoretically and practically.‭ ‬With your tendency towards run-on sentences and generally sloppy grammar,‭ ‬you might be better off tweeting.

    For two,‭ ‬your argument on Israel is for a colonized people to try to work with their colonizers in order to come up with a solution is insulting to say the least.‭ ‬It’s a strand of reformist opportunism that seeks to suppress efforts at revolutionary resistance to a genocidal imperialist force.‭ ‬It places all of the impetus on a people who have been forced into horrendous poverty and have been massacred at the hands of imperialism to‭ ‬“find like minded Israeli's and begin drafting a new constitution‭” ‬while Israeli colonizers continue to grab up land and the IDF continue to harass and butcher those who would interfere with their expansionist ambitions.‭ ‬Statements such as‭ “‬The land has a uniquely Jewish and Palestinian Arabic character‭” ‬are metaphysical nonsense which serves to justify the continued existence of the Israeli settler state.‭ ‬Even better,‭ ‬you talk about the‭ “‬role of the United States‭” ‬all while ignoring what is fundamentally within the US bourgeoisie’s interest in the region:‭ ‬to have a pro-US militaristic partner in the region that ensures a foothold for the US‭’ ‬own geopolitical ambitions.‭

  2. Of course,‭ ‬this all makes sense,‭ ‬being that part two ignores that you’re parroting the same bourgeois proclamations about Iran that the US is.‭ ‬You are lending your voice to voices which would use this rhetoric to justify‭ ‬US or Israel attacking the country‭ – ‬this‭ ‬might just be what has the Trotskyites critical of your positions pulling out their hair‭ (‬of course,‭ ‬they themselves do the same work when it comes to history,‭ ‬but that’s another matter‭)‬.‭ ‬I don’t care how you came to your conclusions‭; ‬it doesn’t matter when you’re parroting a line which is used to advance the cause of imperialism.‭ ‬You assert that the Iranian government‭ ‬consists of‭ ‬“Theocratic Fascists‭ ‬-‭ ‬who are hiding their nuclear ambitions,‭ ‬and are not to be trusted.‭” ‬You come to this conclusion after Ahmadinejad floats the‭ “‬9/11‭ ‬was an inside job‭” ‬conspiracy theory.‭ ‬This is quite a leap,‭ ‬based solely on emotionalism and with no consideration for Iran’s history,‭ ‬position,‭ ‬or any other element that may help us understand where they are and how Imperialism brought them there.

    I’m sure you’d be more than happy to assert why HAMAS and Hezbollah are‭ ‬“evil genocidal‭ ‬islamo-fascists‭”‬ who‭ ‬“shouldn’t be trusted either.‭”‬ I’m sure that would increase your popularity among liberal circles,‭ ‬but for one to call themselves a communist,‭ ‬a more critical perspective that doesn’t nurse the spoiled milk of western propaganda would be more useful.‭

  3. Instead,‭ ‬you manage to demonstrate that your blog is worse than its name would indicate.‭ ‬Trotskyites are‭ “‬red‭” ‬counter-revolutionaries.‭ ‬They attack revolution while pretending to support it and have a long history of sabotaging and undermining the workers movement all over the world.‭ ‬You,‭ ‬however,‭ ‬can’t even get the pretending right.‭ ‬I suggest you rethink this blogging idea.‭ ‬I’m sure the Trotskyite‭ “‬left‭” ‬would rather you stop chipping off the red paint from their petty-bourgeois anti-communist ideology by continuing to post badly written articles that give away just how rightist your views are.

    Also, if you must blog, do so using a service that doesn't give errors when people post long responses, being that your many errors require much text to address.

  4. Nothing? Not a peep? Well, I suppose that is for the best. Stick to twittering and hawking Forex currency trading ponzey schemes; you can do less harm to your reactionary ideology there. Also, please refrain from doing those creepy impressions of yours Ron... they're not convincing or amusing.

  5. Francis you are a rather hateful and spiteful person. None of your comments have any merit whatsoever to this discussion as most are fabrications that you have added to my above. There is quite a strong call for a Bi-national state and they come from many sources. I can also easily recognize that HAMAS is the elected representatives of Palestinians and hope that they can assume that leadership role and seek a just peace that will include Jews as well as Palestinians. IN your world are the Jews to be left out? is that your brand of Socialism? You are simply a misguided uniformed human being who has problems that extend to personal attacks on another human being merely because yo disagree with their view. As for Ponzi schemes if you can see through my "Million dollar website" you show potential to be a Doctor as you have great dissecting ability to remove the tongue from the cheek. You also need to check your own writing abilities before you critique mine. As for Hezbollah while they may very well be in the side of the Palestinians against Israel they are indeed fascist in nature. You cannot recognize such? Are you now a sympathizer of right wing religious nuts just because they happen to be Muslim and not Christian? Is this also your brand of socialism? and is this how you sympathize with the Iranian resistance? Get a clue.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I tried to post a response to your post, but blogger has been uncooperative. Use a better blogging service.

  9. Ron, because blogger fails as much as you do, I had to post my response in a pastebin note. Enjoy:

  10. Francis,

    I would suggest we do this by email.

    A couple of thoughts though Francis, I will be purchasing a sleeping bag to go with the tent I already have purchased and moving to the forest or Walmart parking lots in the next few days. It is about 25 degrees outside. As I am also a full time student age 52, and not as healthy as I would like to be I am somewhat preoccupied by this unfortunate occurrence. My time has been spent clearing out the house and selling precious possessions like guitars for example. Incidentally, what do you do for a living? What is your income? Please do not be afraid to state. I would like to know who I am talking to.

    One more thing Francis,

    ‬"...then it will be unbearable to read both theoretically and practically."

    It is possible to read about theory, or if something is practical, but it is not possible to theoretically read something. I have never been able to read something in theory in all my life. Tell me Professor, how does one theoretically read anything?

    Now please do tell me what you do for a living and what your income level is. Incidentally thank you for your kind words. As I sit here on Christmas day alone it has been a pleasure to read them.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,


  11. This isn't an argument Ron. I'm not going to divulge my personal information to you, nor am I going to let you off the hook for being a reactionary dolt because you claim poverty. You haven't been able to respond to a single thing I have said other than to make claims about me being "a rather hateful and spiteful person" and calling anti-imperialist forces fascist. If this is the best you can do, then why bother?

    If you want to improve your understanding of such things as fascism and imperialism (which you desperately need to) I suggest reading Lenin's "Imperialism: The Highest Form of Capitalism" along with R. Palme Dutt's "Fascism and Social Revolution." Otherwise, as the old Maoist saying goes, "No investigation, no right to speak." I'm no Maoist, but those words are worth heeding in your case.

    Thanks for playing,


  12. You will not divulge information on what you do for a living or your tax bracket because you would look pretty silly having your argument with the near homeless about your textbook application of Marx. You are a role player. One that likes to sound the revolutionary call from you tower somewhere. You are an intellectual coward. You are hiding. Typical. Only a coward would refuse to divulge the most simple of things such as how you earn your living and what tax bracket you fall in. Don't every call me the bourgeoisie ever again you role playing coward. Your views are filled with theory but lack any ability to put into action. Why? Because if you lived like you wish others to you would run and cry in a matter of one or two days. Stay in your cafe coward. Once again what do you do for a living, and what tax bracket are you in Mr Communist? Waiting

  13. Oh and pardon my typo's my fingers are cold.

  14. As you are advocating advocating a Marxist-Leninist Revolution, which would mean workers seize power, confiscate wealth, grab the means of production and distribution, and fight down the reactionary armies that will be opposing you, may I ask how long you think you would last leading in a revolutionary army whose goal was killing your fellow Americans? Especially a reactionary like myself(as you call me)? As Lenin was doing what he was doing with the full understanding of the hardships he and his Comrades would be facing. He was not spouting theory from a suburban home as a pretender.


    Merry Christmas

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. You confirm who you are,and what you are; by your obvious omissions; by your hatred of Jews (as if they are not the other side of any agreement); by your hatred of the Iranian resistance movement, and by your ridiculous clinging to the idea that you are a Revolutionary. Your replies to me have been personal from your very first response as you well know. You are a Role player in the first degree. One last question for you not to answer. Did you vote Democrat in the 2010 election?

  18. Question: 1. Where did this Francis say anything that suggests hatred of Jews. The idea that you use the same Criticism of Zionism = Anti-Semitism shows precisely how right wing you are.

    And please stop all this nonsensical bullshit about being homeless and how revolutionary it is. If being homeless led to revolutions and revolutionary thinking, how do you explain the history of Stalin, Lenin, Engels, Marx, etc? You're nothing but an adventuristic life-stylist.
